How to write “MONEY” in SIMPLIFIED Chinese ?

How does one write “MONEY” in SIMPLIFIED Chinese ?

Show you how to do this step by step with this GIF:

write "MONEY" in SIMPLIFIED Chinese step by step

Write it down using Google translation handwriting input pad

(please click on image to enlarge 🙂 )

write "money" in SIMPLIFIED Chinese using Google translation handwriting input pad



*Trivia: this character 「」 is also a popular last name.

Some random public figures:

  1. Rosa Chien, former woman basketball player in Taiwan

  2. Frederick Chien, former foreign affair minister in Taiwan

  3. Qian Qichen, former foreign affair minister in China

  4. Qian Xuesen (Tsien Hsue-shen), missile scientist

  5. Ch’ien Mu (Qian Mu), historian

  6. Qian Xuantong, linguist, historian, major contributor of the standardization of Simplified Chinese characters and the design of pinyin transcription system.

  7. Qian Zhongshu, writer

  8. Chin Siu-ho & 9. Chin Ka-lok, actors in Hong Kong


Your browser renders this(these) character(s) as: 「

Topics: Chinese language learning, Asian script writing tutorial, How to write Chinese characters




How to write “MONEY” in Chinese ? 「」